All Pioner boats and dinghies are certified by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Certification.
What does that mean for you?
The DNV certification plate ensures that Cipax (the manufacturer of Pioner and Steady boats) maintains a high standard of workmanship and that all boats comply with the EU Recreational Craft Directive (RCD). The use of DNV as an independent external body to do conformity assessments on both design and production ensures that each boat has more than sufficient strength, buoyancy, stability and quality in production.
The CE marking of the boats is the manufacturer’s responsibility. Many boat models can be self-certified according to the RCD. Some manufacturers choose to do this to keep costs down.
Cipax have chosen DNV to carry out RCD conformity assessments. Pioner 12 received its Type Approval Certificate from DNV in December 1973, and started the long term relationship between the manufacturer and DNV. This means that when it comes to quality assurance for your investment in a rescue boat, you don’t have to take just our word for the standards applied. They are independently verified.
Pioner Multi